Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Dec 2005 points night...

Looks like the Dec 11th match has been a big veto vote.
Can anyone make it next week as per the schedule?
During the week? Tue maybe? Will these posts all be the same?
What a mess...

Nov 2005 points game winner: D. Ritchie...
Jason won the 2nd game - it was crazy by the way. We each held full houses. Bullshit.

Here are how the points worked out:
Nov 2005 for the month

David - 100
Jason - 75
Bryan - 50
Jason from the Hills - 45
Rich - 40
Dan - 35
TD - 0

And the Over All points as of Nov:

DR - 665
BL - 480
TD - 415
Pete - 365
Jason - 390
Rich - 315
Shaun - 200
Dan - 200
James - 75
Ivan - 75
Jason from the Hills - 45


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