Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Winner of Dec Points Night 2005

Yes - it is true. Brad is the Winner of the Dec Points game. As a side note someone wanted me to post my ZERO - last place finish which I blame on Rich and his River deals... Son of a bitch. Still I went out first with ZERO points. Here is how the points panned out:

1. Brad - 100
2. Rich - 75
3. TD - 50
4. Shaun - 45
5. Jason - 40
6. David - 0


At 8:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"bullshit"?! I beg to differ. it was clearly brad's superior poker skills that allowed him to come out on top. For God's sake, look at the man in that suit, clutching a PBR with the kind of insouciance one associates with the genius, or the mad.


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